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‘To speak of peace and harmony now would be treason to the dead.’ – Rose Schneiderman
‘To keep Nigeria one, justice must be done!’ – Wole Soyinka
I just thought we should look back and consider what could have gone wrong with us as a people. That is, of course, if we are really a people belonging to one nation.
That’s debatable, anyway!
But then, for this purpose, let’s assume we are. Why is it that we seem to be revolving on a spot like a barber’s chair. We seem to be moving without motion.
We are more or less, a nation of loafers!
I tend to believe what’s worrying us is spiritual. Spiritual because there’s just too much of unnecessary blood spillage. The blood of the dead might not rest until justice is done.
For crying out loud, we’re talking of human blood!
We really need to do a rethink and make sure adequate reparations are made. Although when people are dead, they can never be awakened, at the same time, we have to reopen the files of the dead and make sure justice is done.
Then we must make sure the blood of the innocent is never shed again.
Maybe then, it will be better for us!!!