It’s going to be Christmas in a few weeks. And, of course, the preparations for the not-for-only-Christian festival are building up.
It will reach a crescendo at twenty-something in December!
However, a thought just occurred to me: Are we thinking of the other man? I don’t mean our relatives.
Many people are facing one problem or another and may not be able to know it’s Christmas.
By the way, giving people a feeling of festivity doesn’t cost much. For some, it could be just messages of goodwill. Thank God for the internet; one doesn’t have to invest in greeting cards from those days.
For some, a smile, a kiss, or a standard greeting would make their day!
Think of the soldiers on the various needless battle fronts. Needless because after so many lives have been lost, the warring factions always end the war on the negotiating table.
Indeed, to paraphrase Winston Churchill, ‘It is better to jaw-jaw than to war-war.’
And talking of battles, it will not be too much for us to care about those who have lost their relatives to the wars. Some children are becoming fatherless daily. Some aged people are becoming childless. Indeed, some individuals are condemned to living without their partners because they have been slaughtered on the battlefields.
Then, we must look into the cases of those who are battling with wars of the stomach. I’m referring to people battling with hunger.
Is it not a pity that in a world where some people have so much, some have nothing? Some do not just know where their next meals will come from. Some are homeless. Some are naked.
Is it not possible to put smiles on the faces of these people?
Some people have so many clothes that they effortlessly change them every other day if they want to.
Others have so many resources that they have even secured the future of their generations yet unborn. Mmm…
And so on!
Let’s brighten the faces of those who are hopeless. Let’s give them some hope!
And it shouldn’t stop at Christmas!!!