Photo credit: Businessday
I understand the fake or original certificate issue is now rocking all certificate holders in Nigeria.
How absurd it is that Nigeria’s Nobel laureate is even under suspicion by some illiterates? Anyway, the professor is able to handle that himself.
But, I believe we could make some good of the bad situation. Instead of having a certificate challenge on social media, I believe the government can use the issue to get some revenue from certificate holders.
We could have a directorate if not a ministry of verification of certificates. All the certificates of Nigerians must be verified by the ministry.
And when I say all, I mean those who are dead and those who are alive. The ministry will check every certificate, whether issued by educational institutions or skill acquisition centres like mechanic or plumbing workshops. Even skills learned in trading must be included.
Think of how much will be derived from this laudable exercise.
We could start the project by using the premises and staff of the NYSC for starters,
When the ministry settles down, it will get its own offices.
This venture will be better than oil money.
And one other thing is that it will convert the doubting Thomases!
However, what will happen to those of us who never passed through any school?