Photo credit: iStock
It’s a keenly contested race. Note my use of the present tense. That’s because the race to enter the year, 2021, is yet to end.
However, the two front-runners are the front-liners and the generality of homo sapiens.
The front-liners are those who are giving essential services to the rest of us, most especially, at these onerous times.
I’m referring to those providing health care, food, electric power and so on!
Many of them are dying in the course of duty. Yet, the others are going about their duties as if nothing had happened.
Yet, with the realization that even if they give services and the recipients fail to respond to the services, everything will certainly be in futility.
Noting the further fact that the front-liners constitute a subset of human beings in general, it’s with sadness and joy that I give the WO(MAN) of the Year award to those of us who are living souls.
It’s with mixed feelings because we can’t but remember those who are dead because of their contact with this deadly virus. And, it’s not as if it has stopped killing people yet.
But then, those of us who are fortunate to be alive are giving thanks to God. We have realized the fact that it’s not by our own doing.
O ye ka dupe!