Photo credit: The Guardian
Some of the news one gets on the social media, in some ways, expose the lack of information that’s rampant amongst our so-called educated folks.
An incident happened yesterday morning. As if I knew it would be a harbinger of confusion, I just ‘borrowed’ an album of the Lijadu Sisters and used it on my wall.
Could you believe that twenty-four hours later, the social media is still being confused by educated illiterates about which one of the Lijadu Sisters actually went to be with her Maker.
I’m sorry to describe them as educated illiterates, but that’s what they are. People could have used Google as their friend if they must announce. By the way, who made them mourners?
If you don’t have details about something, you simply don’t announce.
Kehinde Lijadu must be asking herself, by now, if she, herself, had really died.
May the soul of Taiwo Lijadu find peace with her Maker!