Are We Really The World? – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: YouTube

In 1985, a group of forty-seven artistes led by the late Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie formed the United Support of Artistes (USÀ) for Africa. The group sang a song that became a ‘numero uno’ in most countries.

They sang the song basically for famine relief in Ethiopia and also to help people living in abject poverty in the United States of America. I am sure some people will be shocked that there is poverty in America.

Contrary to some people’s belief that money grows on trees in America, a lot of people are in penury in that country. Indeed, poverty has no boundaries.

However, poverty has levels. In advanced countries, poor people can still live decently because they are given some social welfare allowances.

Most people migrate to seek a better fortune. This could involve moving from neglected rural areas to urban areas where there are more opportunities.

However, migration to Western nations used to be a preserve of African and Asian nations. Now, we would live anywhere as long as it was ‘abroad’.

At first, it was for education. Then, when despite the resources present in Nigeria, in particular, we refused to cater for our armies of the unemployed, they found it necessary to ‘check out’,

However, for the Europeans, the chickens probably came home to roost. The establishment of the European Union has shown that Oyinbos are not totally strong. They have soft underbellies.

Citizens of less fortunate countries are now rushing into the more prosperous nations. Trust Europeans, they are generally being their brothers’ keepers.

I believe that if we could have less misgovernance in the world, migration might not be a necessity. And a world devoid of wars and strife.

Only then can we happily sing, ‘We Are The World’.


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