Photo credit: PM News
I didn’t support capital punishment for any offence. Yes, not even where a precious life had been lost. I know by my declaration, I would have stepped on some toes.
However, I think I’m changing my opinion. I am doing so, not because of those who kill the physical body.
It’s because of those who run with the hare and hunt with the hounds.
What does that mean?
Yes, bloody hypocrites!!
The Yoruba language is rich. It says it is either a person is an osaka or an osoko. This is because osakansoko does not befit a gentleman.
I can recall reading a novel in which a man wore a cap with colour red on one side and colour black on the other. It thus confused people who came across the man. Some said he was wearing a red cap while others said he was wearing black.
I sincerely love my enemies. Yes, I do because I know where I stand with them. If they are given the chance, I won’t survive the next second. They couldn’t care less if I commit harakiri, anyway. The trick is to watch out!
However, I refuse to love a flip-flopper. How can I? Do I know where he stands?
If I know where someone stands, I always love it because I will know how to deal with them at any point in time. However, the hypocrite is neither here nor there.
If a person makes the mistake of trusting a hypocrite, then he needs no enemy again. The enemy is living within his own closet!
In our daily lives, we should watch out for these human beasts. They are everyday men. So they exist in our churches, work places, neighbourhoods, etc.
And I believe they deserve the death sentence!!!