The Chained Change -Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: The News

I hear Mr Buhari has presented the 2017 budget before the national assembly. I believe the only national thing in the latter is their jibiti.

But then, I would have expected Mr president to ask for the input of some patriotic Nigerians like me. We want the change to start with individuals.

Let’s start by taxing every meal consumed in a household. Even when I soak garium sulphate, I expect to pay some tax on it.

Of course, we will tax the drinks. It does not matter if it is just water. Alcoholic drinks will attract more since it is afowofa.

We’ll now go on to leisure. Each TV program, radio program, season film, etc., should be taxed. For those who play games like Ludo, Scrabble, Monopoly, chess, table tennis, soccer, etc., there should not be any free lunch again because each game set must be taxed.

We are not forgetting communication—yes, conversation with the world. We understand people now do business on the phone. That’s great. But we will be collecting a fraction of the amount made. And it will be from the taker and the giver, even if it is pocket money.

Of course, social communication will not go scot-free. Those criticising our government can only do so if they are ready to pay. Only friendly posts like the one you’re reading will be free.

The internal activities in the inner room must be taxed. I only pity those who have several partners.

Then, the means of transportation will be taxed. Even a person who goes to work on a bicycle will be taxed.

By the way, this is a very ingenious way of creating employment. We will have a ministry of busybodies in charge of the abovementioned internally generated revenue activities.

We are doing this because Nigerians have refused to understand the great sacrifices we are making for them.

We have reduced our salaries. We have provided a power supply. Water is everywhere. Food is so cheap. Thanks to our improved agricultural system.

Unemployed people are receiving social benefit allowances, and we contact them as soon as jobs are available. The system is running smoothly.

Yet, Nigerians have refused to understand. That is why we have decided to tax all the taxables.

The change must begin with the ordinary Nigerian!!!


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