The Ass! – Adewale Sobowale

Thanks, my lady lawyer.

How soon shall we learn that we need to not only be free but be seen as free? And this freedom is absolute.

Isn’t it?

What’s so bad about someone displaying their freedom?

And she happens to have studied the law?

Freedom to breathe, freedom to eat, freedom to ease ourselves! Particularly freedom to dress or undress!

But I thought it’s where one’s freedom stops that another’s starts!
Don’t gimme that crap!

Is it not so nice to be free?

When the come comes to begin, we will be free to go into the courts, as lawyers mind you, putting on the hijabs as faithful Muslims!

Christians will also be free to wear cassocks over suits. Obatala worshippers will wear some blue or white because the outing is a very important one, a court sitting.

Ogun worshippers will be dressed in palm fronds. But wait for it,
Oro cult members will be dressed in their birthday suits!
Don’t you run away; you’ll sit out the court proceedings because the law is nothing but an ass, a very foolish one at that!


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