The Odder World! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: News 18

The Oyinbo world is an odd one. But since you’ll agree with me that our own world is babanla weird, grandfather of weird, then maybe we should settle and declare that the Oyinbo world is positively odder.

But mark you, we have to define what we mean by Oyinbo world. It is the world where reasoning has a pride of place. It is a world which tries to be fair to its citizens. It is a world where the constituents are kings who are served by politicians. It is a world where right is seen to be right.

It is a world where the less privileged is jealously taken care of. The less privileged could be the aged, the physically challenged and even the mentally challenged.

That’s why today has been declared as the World Mental Health Day. The odder world believes every human being should not suffer abuses of their human rights.

Not even the mentally challenged.

In several cases their states were not self inflicted. Even if they were, the belief is that they should be assisted to help themselves.

No wonder, they have good governance.

In our own case, eyan o ribi sun aja n han run, the fit have not been taken care of talk less the mentally challenged.

And it is the fact that people are not taken care of that brings up a lot of mental challenges. There are cases where the case, if treated with urgency, might not have deteriorated.

However, if we suspect a person to be depressed we will refuse to associate with such people.

When the social stigma is so much, it leads to frustration because such people are often left to their own devices. Man is a social animal and only a negligible few could withstand loneliness.

Meanwhile, the mentally challenged really do need our companionship, care, and understanding.

With the understanding that the mentally challenged could be anybody else, let’s try and get out of our shells to give our supports to them.


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