Esu Ma Se Mi! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Fine Art America

There has been a controversy over a translation of the Yoruba Bible. The Bible translates the word Satan as Esu!

Some have even called the cerebral Ajayi Crowther, an Anglican Bishop, who rose from being a common slave to a bishop names for making an error in his translation.

Oh, what foolishness have they displayed!

There’s a phrase called ‘world view’. It’s the way one sees things. On a communal level, for which the phrase is generally used, they are the ways various groups see things.

For instance, there is a world view on the origin of man. For the Christians, the creation of man all started in the garden of Eden. God just thought man should be created and he was created.

The Yoruba believe man was created when Olodumare sent Obatala and some other gods to create man. The origin of man, according, to the Yoruba world view, is Ile Ife.Obatala on his own, is the ultimate designer!

The scientific world view is that man descended from apes!

In any case, the story of the creation of man is probably as many as there are civilisations.

I’ve gone into all these to prove that if a community could have a worldview, is it not possible for individuals to have personal worldviews?

More so, there is this idea in the writing community. If you don’t agree with what someone has written, write yours!

Personally, my own idea is to let whoever believes what they want to, our authenticity as Africans; as Yoruba; should remain.

But then, are we helping matters when history, as a subject, is no longer taught in our schools? In which schools is African Traditional Religion taught?

Let’s thank God for little mercies. At least, the reference to our indigenous languages as vernacular in our schools is being discouraged!

Esu is not satanic!
Esu is not Satan!!


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