Toronto breaks ground on affordable housing project!

Photo credit: CBC

Toronto Mayor, Olivia Chow has marked the start of construction on the city of Toronto’s first affordable housing project delivered through the Public Developer Delivery model at 11 Brock Avenue.

City of Toronto website reports that Toronto city Council approved the Public Developer Delivery model in July to accelerate the creation of non-market, affordable rental homes for low- and moderate-income residents on City-owned lands. Taking a more direct approach to how City lands are used, the City is responsible for setting targets, expediting development reviews and approvals, as well as participating in the construction process.

In addition to 11 Brock Ave., there are four additional City-owned “housing ready” sites that will see an accelerated construction start, including 35 Bellevue Ave., 405 Sherbourne St., 1113-1117 Dundas St. W. and 150 Queens Wharf Rd. Groundbreaking at 35 Bellevue is scheduled for later this week.

Set to be completed by the end of 2025, the development at 11 Brock Ave. will create approximately 42 new rent-geared-to-income and supportive homes for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. 

tenants at 11 Brock Ave. will be able to access safe, affordable and independent loving spaces. the building will feature private apartments, each with a bathroom and kitchen, plus shared laundry, a communal kitchen and a common programming room. 

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