The Piper! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Afdb

The AfDB suddenly came into the news due to the United State’s insistence to critically look into the financial transactions going on in the bank. The Yankees even resisted the continuation in office of the president who happens to be a Nigerian.

That matter has already been overflogged. So, I’m not going into that.

However, considering the funds African leaders have been wasting on various grandiose projects which bother on corrupt practices, isn’t it shameful that in this age, African countries are still being spoon fed?

Okay, Nigeria has the majority shares in the bank. But then, isn’t it ridiculous that the next country to Nigeria is the United States?

In fact, when one looks at the non African members, it can’t but be embarrassing to the average African.

As long as we are tied to the apron strings of foreign countries, Africa can’t be said to be truly independent.

He who pays the piper will always dictate the tune!


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