Problemses! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Dreams Time

You see when a person has been immersed in series of problems and he doesn’t know what to do again, one could safely say they’ve been infested with, ‘problemses’.

Such people are accidents waiting to happen. Unfortunately, the more they think negatively about their so called problems, the more other problems besiege them.

However, if they could just look out and see a silver lining on the horizon, even if it’s illussory, things have a way of being better.

Like I wrote sometime ago, God has given us the ability to prophesy into our own lives. But laziness and carefree attitudes would not let us do the needful.

If you prophesy goodness into your lives and work towards such, don’t be surprised that goodness will be attracted into your lives.

On the other hand, when a person doesn’t see anything good in himself, he is silently cursing himself.

Don’t be bogged down with whatever situation you’re facing. You won’t be the first person who’ll be in such a situation.

By the way, it’s good when you see successful people. But then, most of them have paid very dearly just to be successful in life.

Did you know to be a success is just an achievement? To maintain the success is the icing on the cake!

Now, get off your butt and get out there to win the battle of life!


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