Photo credit: Premium Times
The federal government of Nigeria is set to distribute 255 tractors to farmers in the country. This is the first instalment of the 2,000 tractors ordered by the government.
Apart from the fact that the delivery appears to be late, there are some other factors. Let’s address the late delivery first.
Given the number of tractors in the first consignment, how would the government distribute among the 774 local governments in Nigeria? Is the number adequate?
When we really look at it, agriculture is much more technical than we think.
Where are the credit facilities for farmers?
Are there preservative systems like silos on the farms? I asked this because we know that in Nigeria, the agric. products that get to the market are far less than those that get spoilt in the farms because of lack of preservation.
Are there facilities on the farms? I mean schools, water, electricity, clinics, etc. Are the roads from the farms to the cities motorable? Most governments in Nigeria would rather fix urban roads at the expense of rural ones.
Are there any credit systems for farmers?
Given that the planting season starts in February in some places before the early rainy season from April to June, time is of the essence.
I don’t think 2,000 tractors is enough to get us out of the menacing hunger prevailing over our country.
Well, we shouldn’t let bureaucracy deter us from making hay while the sun shines!