Mumustic! – Adewale Sobowale

Vote buying in Nigeria. Photo credit: the monitor

Anytime I look at the situation in Nigeria in relation to Nigerians ourselves, I can’t help but laugh.
See most of us now, we’re regretting installing this government. But if we had just accepted our faults and hidden our tails between our legs like poor rain drenched dogs, nobody would have raised eyebrows.

But trust the Nigerian, even when he walks himself into a pit in a floodlit arena, he would still blame someone. We are now blaming our opinion leaders for directing us to misvote.

But, wait a bit, those of us who collected money or other elements of stomach infrastructure, may I ask them if they gave them to these leaders? I think I know what illness plagued us then!

The illness is called mumuism!

Once a person is mumustic, he is not likely to reason well. Such people are referred to as mumutious elements.

But we thank the almighty for his mercies. It’s like most Nigerians are gradually getting over the illness. And that’s why most are saying they never knew what happened to them.

However, we have another chance next year, 2019. That’s another election year. That’s when we shall know whether we have been bathed clean.

Nobody is above making an error. However, Nigerians surprised me in making such a fundamental mistake.

We have been talking of a third force. That is because the two major political parties are like six and half a dozen. They are not different from each other. And that’s why it’s been so easy for politicians to be crossing from one party to the other.

Well, the mass of the people will make up the third force. This is not the time for anyone, no matter how highly placed, to determine our future for us. We should vote our conscience.

Where we can not but take money from those seeking our votes, I advise that we take their money. They might not have worked for the money, anyway.

Let us elect the right people this time around. People who are feeling our pains and aspirations should be elected. If they are, we wouldn’t have any cause to regret later.


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