Legalize It! – Adewale Sobowale

The year was 1976. It had been recorded the previous year. That was when an album was released by Peter Tosh. ‘Legalise it’ it was called.

The album is all about cannabis. Particularly legalising its use medically.

Now, you might have suspected that we’re not known to be people who will leave what should be said because of people’s impression. We tend to be newsmakers.

Some weeks ago, the World Health Organisation, WHO, was reported to have advised the government to allow the use of cannabis for medical purposes. However, people have been having mixed feelings about the idea. While some are saying it’s a welcome development, others are much more reserved about the issue.

Some Western countries have given the go-ahead for the medical use of cannabis. This is due to the fact that they know that although cannabis has some disadvantages, it also has a lot of advantages, especially medically.

Cannabis has a chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol, THC. THC’s effects happen in the brain where its chemicals interact with receptors on brain cells called canniboid receptors. Our own bodies also make chemicals which are very similar to THC which are used in normal brain function and development.

Some of the advantages of cannabis are:

A) It controls epileptic seizures. It builds brain cells responsible for controlling excitability and regulating relaxation.
B) Treats inflammatory bowel diseases. It is useful in the treatments of Grohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis.
C) Slows progression of Alzheimer’s disease. It helps in slowing down the formation of amyloid plaques by Alzheimer’s blocking the enzyme in the brain that makes them. The plaques kill brain cells and cause Alzheimer’s.
D) Cancer treatment. There is a chemical found in cannabis that stops cancer from spreading. Cannabidiol, a chemical found in cannabis prevents cancer from spreading.
E) Appetite. Some people may become anorexic as a result of chemotherapy or for other reasons, it has been established that cannabis makes them have appetite.
F) Sex urge. The use of cannabis is said to increase sex urge, especially when it is used by both parties.
G) Feel good. The use of cannabis makes the takers feel good. Coping with stress becomes much easier. It also encourages sleep.

However, cannabis use has some disadvantages. They include :

A) Memory formation. It blocks memory formation while the brain is still developing. That is why the smoking age has been pegged at twenty one in most advanced countries.
B) Balance. It messes up with a person’s balance. The user tends to have difficulties in walking and talking correctly.
C) Depression. It may increase the risk of depression. This may manifest in terms of intense anxiety, fear, distrust and panic.
D) Psychosis. This could be in the form of hallucination, delusion and loss of personal identity.

We have tried to mention some of the advantages and disadvantages. When it is considered that even a cough syrup is a potential drug when addicted to, we would implore our governments to consider the pros and cons of the legalisation of cannabis.


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