Dog Lovers? – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Green Pet Care

Nigerians, many of us, have a new found love for dogs.And don’t you mind the fact that most of us are malnourished.

But then, we are Nigerians. We do firmly believe that God will provide our very next meal. Why do we have night vigils daily? So strong is our faith, that instead of working, we would rather pray.

I’m made to understand that praying is work, too. That’s probably the reason why churches are the best exports Nigeria could offer the world.

Even if we were to have a change of heart, where are the jobs?

Do I need to tell you that we, Nigerians, are ingenious? Given the enabling environment, we will plant cassava in the UK, we will take the sun to the moon on a daily basis, and, what’s more, we will even sell ice to Eskimos.

It is therefore no surprise that we are getting to love dogs much more than Englishmen.

And, mind you, it isn’t for their pepper soup quality o!

We so much love our dogs that when we go to parties, we don’t leave our doggy bags behind. Those of us who unfortunately do, actually buy polyethylene bags from itinerant hawkers to put the piquant delicacies into.

Some of us decline from eating the food under one guise or the other. However, we prefer taking the food home to our darling dogs. Even when we mercifully decide to eat, we don’t fail to remember our canine friends. So, we pass our bags to be filled with the usually irresistible food.

Some of us even go to the extent of liberating the left overs into our own bags. Come to think of it, that’s definitely an act of salvation. I mean, considering the synergies put into the preparation of the sumptuous dishes, isn’t iit better to save them from being thrown into the refuse bins by the over fed servers who definitely have no use for them.

Such is our love for our dear dogs!

The love is so much that we even go to the extent of taking drinks home for our dogs. The drinks range from bottle water to soda, lager, Guinness and even wine!

Nigerian dogs are really having the best of times!!!


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