Circles! – Adewale Sobowale

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One thing that keeps astounding me is the regularity at which seasons move in circles. In spite of the so called global warming, the seasons do not fail us.

In the tropics, we have the harmattan, dry and rainy seasons. In the western world there are the winter, summer, spring and autumn seasons.

In the calendar, we have the new month and the end of the month just like we have the new year and the end of the year.

In our personal lives, we have times of happiness and times of sadness, times of richness and times of want, times of spinsterhood or bachelorhood and times of marital bliss.

The day is also divided into parts. We have the morning, the afternoon and the evening. It even leads to the following day.

We have times of birth and times of death. Between these two periods, a lot happens which makes us whom we are. For instance, if one is lucky to have good parenting and the person too is in their right senses, the sky is just the beginning.

But if it so happens that the person has less than good parenting or they refuse to take the right lessons, they are not likely to make any meaning out of their lives. That is they will not have self fulfilment.

No wonder, it is said that life is a battlefield!


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