The perp walk! – Adewale Sobowale

How are the seemingly mighty falling?

I perceive what’s going on in the United States with mixed feelings.

I mean the continuing trial of the former president Donald Trump.

It’s a victory for the systems and institutions which democracy has put in place while at the same it’s a case of accounting for your deeds in office.

That a former president was even brought to trial is a great deed. People were discussing whether he will be handcuffed, take a mugshot or do a perp walk.

I was never the man’s fan anyway. I always saw him as a bull in a China shop. His hatred for migrants further made me dislike him more.

But then, he made his choices and that’s the way the cookie crumbles!

But then, I want to ask African leaders that if such systems were operating in their countries, how many of them will go scot free?
Even if the systems were in operation, wouldn’t we the people turn it into a tribal affair?


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