Looking back to the days of childhood, I’ve discovered there were things we did because we never knew better.
But then, most unfortunately, our teachers, too, were hardly better than us in our crude innocence!
An example was singing the song, ‘O My Home’.
O my home
O my home
When shall I see my home
When shall I see my native land
I will never forget my home!
Just imagine a Nigerian pupil singing such a song in Nigeria. Or, even a pupil from Abeokuta who happened to be attending school in the ancient city singing the song.
Which home were they yearning for?
Well, I’m in a position to say it loud and clear that I’m missing home.
Why wouldn’t I miss home?
I miss the fact that I could disobey the law and nothing would have happened. Most especially, when raw cash exchanged hands between the offenders and the so-called officers of the law.
I also miss the lies of politicians. Before getting to power, they’d be in every nook and cranny persuading and ’empowering’ people so that they might be voted for.
After the elections, they would just be too busy to attend to the same people who voted them in.
Why wouldn’t they?
They must recoup all the money they had used in empowering people.
Incidentally, my people couldn’t just get the trick. They would again fall into the hands of the serial rapists called politicians in the very next elections.
And, the next, too!
It’s like we enjoy being raped!!
It’s either that or it’s a curse!!!
That’s why a presidential aide was on air this morning talking about empowering the youth. The program in itself is a great one. However, it doesn’t take a soothsayer to know that it’s dead-on-arrival, as far as Nigeria is concerned.
Apparently, he doesn’t believe in the sanctity of human lives. If he did, he would have talked more seriously about the security of the people.
Yes, he mentioned the so-called agro-rangers. I guess that body was yet to be established while the recent killing of farmers was going on.
Maybe the whole program is just a job for the boys at the end of which nothing would be achieved.
O my home