Satisfied… – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: BBC

It’s no longer a secret that Nigerian politicians are getting ‘battle’ ready for the 2023 elections. Actually, the initial political permutations began in May 2019.

That’s the way of political elements in Nigeria. Even before an elected government settles down, they start gunning for successors.

It’s probably one of the reasons we don’t have a stable democracy.

But that’s a topic for another day!

My concern is whether or not there should be a third formidable party. I sincerely believe the PDP and APC are birds of the same feather which, of course, will always flock together.

An example of them being the same is the absence of manifesto and a clear cut direction. There’s no doubt about the fact that their major interest lies in just sharing the resources of the commonwealth.

If not, why must they, at this treacherous point in time, be just moving from one political party to the other? The personalities and their political parties appear to be living in Mars.

That’s why the killings, abductions, robberies, inter-ethnic clashes and the criminal silence of government appear not to concern them.

But then, Nigerians, most especially the youths appear to be complicit. If not, why have we not been seeing counter preparations for 2023?

Okay, maybe they’re waiting till the election year?

Or, is it till kingdom come?


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