In my stint as a housemaster, I happened to have met some really decent people. When I say decent, I mean people who are beautiful both inside and outside.
The case of these people would be no exception. I get undeserved respect from both of them.
The first one’s eldest son initially proved a hard nut to crack. But he was lucky to have a mother who was equal to the task.
A boy would always be a boy, anyway!
The second one hardly went to the school, but when a situation made it necessary for her to go, she made her presence felt.
A son of one was given a tag of 3k by me for reasons I had mentioned in an earlier post. The son of the other was nicknamed A4 by his mates.
Incidentally, the latter made four distinctions in his WAEC-supervised external examination.
As a result of their being friends, their children have been incorporated into amity.
They are not in the league of over-pampering children. Of course, children must be pampered. But too much of it might result in an overkill. The children might feel life is that simple.
The important thing is the fact that they love their children’s teachers. No wonder the children of Mmes Olubisi Afolaogun and Fagunwa Elemide Adebola are doing quite well in the task of facing life’s hazards!