On Chatham House! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Premium Times

I want to learn the relevance of Chatham House to the Nigerian situation.

Does going there reduce the price of a kongo of gari?

Does it supply electric power?

Does it bring down the price of oyel?

Does it give residential accommodation to the teeming masses?

Does it provide jobs for the unemployed or underemployed?

Does it provide good transportation?

Does it provide cottage industries?

Are the contenders for the top post in the land seeking Oyibo relevance before ruling our Nigeria?

Indeed, will it necessarily bring good governance?

Until these questions are answered, I dey here dey drink my tombo!

Wetin we dey look for inside trouser?

PS: I recognize the basic freedoms of the candidates and their supporters which are guaranteed by God, the UN and the Nigerian constitution.


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