Of Dignity! – Adewale Sobowale

COVID-19 is turning out as an exposure of the rooster’s anus.

But I’m particularly concerned about the dignity of Americans who call Common Joe. I mean, who do Nigerians call citizen Muda?

There’s no doubt that our so-called leaders do not give the ordinary Nigerian the tiniest amount of dignity.

Ok! Every four years, they pretend we are men of timber and calibre when they travel the nooks and crannies of the country seeking our votes. But once we vote for them, they go into voluntary hiding in the confines of the state houses and other places that are inaccessible to the common people.

Some may even change their phone numbers, and others’ phones may be permanently with their personal assistants, whom they’ve instructed not to connect with some riff-raff!

Well, I should tell my countrymen that as the ever-wise Yoruba will say, ireje o si ninu foto, that is, a photograph may not lie.

Anyway, modern life has made an alteration to that with Photoshop!

I’m personally peeved!!

That’s because I see Nigerians queuing up endlessly, on lines that appear to have no end, for government palliatives. It has even turned out some of the items are not worth the salt.

The rulers, as if hunger knows political affiliation, even descend so low as giving palliatives to only their political party faithful.

Some folks have to plead with benevolent Nigerians to give them the needed succour.

Other Nigerians who have the means to give to the poor without being invited.

But the problem I have with the Nigerian government is that it doesn’t appear to have planned for a rainy day. I still wonder if Nigeria has any food reserves.

That reminds me of the fact that Nigerians generally don’t ask questions from their leaders. If we refuse to ask questions, definitely there can’t be any accountability.

Then there’s this claim of the lack of data!

Could that be true?

In a country where we have several data-generating organizations, when shall we start thinking of being serious?

At least I know we can get data from the Census Commission, the National Identity Card Commission, the Federal Road Safety Commission, Electricity Supply Companies, and so on.

It’s about time we started thinking of electing a government for whom human dignity is a given!

But then, don’t we deserve what we are getting?


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