Photo credit: Very Well Mind
Seasons come and go, men remain with God’s grace.
The merchants must be smiling to the banks. So will the pastors. Of course, the banks must be happy with themselves.
I’m not discounting the gains every other producer must have made from the Yule.
I’m conversant with the chicken and turkey farmers who were active participants in the sentencing of their products to the gallows.
Ife ti a fe adie o ju ka fi s’ata lo!
Man’s love for poultry is for the meat content!!
But now, those of us who are not producing anything extra might be faced with not so small problems.
Landlords would naturally ask for the rents which we haven’t paid for months.
Yes, we got some raw food materials in the yuletide, how do we turn them into finished products that are ready for the dining table?
Junior will soon resume school, how do we pay the fees, given the fact that if he doesn’t pay he won’t be allowed to enter the class?
Even the funds for transportation are proving difficult to find.
Now is the time to look for alternative means of income while at our jobs!!!