So, you’re feeling bad because people have rejected you.
I’m so sorry for you!
Are they your God?
You see, even if the courts of the earth have condemned you and He has not, just relax.
Once there’s life, there’s hope.
I remember a story written by J.F. Odunjo, I think.
There’s this man who things are not going well for. So he decides to commit suicide. He goes to where he thinks nobody can see him so that he won’t be disturbed in the act.
Unknown to him, there’s man there. When our man is about to commit the act, the other man comes out in his birthday suit. He then begs the other man that since he wants to commit suicide, he should take off his clothes since they’ll no longer be useful to him. As he can see, he doesn’t have clothes.
This set our man thinking that if someone with no clothes can still be struggling to live, why not him?
That was the deciding factor.
Our man refused to commit a life-ending act!
There’s always a silver in you if you really search for it.
This is no motivational talk, I’m talking from experience!