Photo credit: Business Day
The state of aquatic splendour is a leader in all things. It has now added religious matters to it.
I understand a chapel in the capital recently had an anointing service. The service was led by the chaplain.
Her excellency, the first lady did the chapel a favour by attending the service. For those who know nothing about these things, when a first lady moves, she goes around with an entourage.
Think of how much revenue would have accrued to the chapel by the excellent companions. By the way, donations in churches are tax free.
Tit for tat, that is how toads croak. To whom much is given, like my old school principal used to say, much is expected.
The chaplain just decided to ‘chin’ the first lady when it was time for anointing. Of course, he did not chin their offering!
Where is such done? Anybody who does that shouldn’t go scot free. The first lady was naturally annoyed at a common chaplain’s impudence.
Normally, the first lady ought to have been anointed in her pew. That would have been the honourable thing to do.
By the way, even the holy book says in 1 Corinthians 4: 20, For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.
What other manifestation of secular power did the chaplain want? A whole first lady!
He was even lucky to be sent away from the chapel within twenty four hours. He was lucky not to have been deported to a rural area. Yes, rural areas are in Lagos!
By the way, he has two children not to talk of the wife. Do they really matter?
How is this democracy different from military rule?