Photo credit: BBC
I understand some governments have okayed the holding of crossover services. Worship places normally hold crossover services to usher in the new year.
But these are, indeed, abnormal times!
With many countries experiencing newer strains of the deadly COVID-19, I wouldn’t have thought it pertinent for governments not to lift the ban on public assemblies.
This is, more so, especially in the so-called developing world.
In Nigeria, my home country, crossover services are used to syphon money from churchgoers in the guise of being thankful to God for seeing them to the end of one year and seeking his blessings for the beginning of another.
But then, I would have thought the pastors and imams who are humane won’t do anything that threatens their laity’s lives.
However, how many of them could be said to be humane?
Even the governments are politicizing every issue. If not, no government that’s worth its while would have dared to lift the ban on social distancing.
It’s now up to the people to decide whether to commit hara-kiri by attending crossover nights.
I’m not God, but I believe anyone who commits suicide by attending a crossover night may find getting to heaven difficult.
I believe worship places that have the means could always use the Internet. Those who don’t should just advise their members to join those who do.
By the way, my Bible tells me that ‘…where two or three are gathered in my name…’
So, ki lan baka?
COVID is real!!!