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I nearly forgot to congratulate Nigeria and Nigerians on the august occasion of our being crowned the second importer of champagne, the bubbly wine, after France. We should ‘pop champagne’ o!
Was it not Karl Marx, the German economist, who in his lack of foresight said: ‘religion is the opium of the people’? Although there are so many churches and mosques in Nigeria, I am not convinced that Nigerians are religious.
The only things we are looking for are miracles. Abi how do we explain a situation where someone steals money to fulfill their religious responsibilities.
As I was saying, we should be proud that we are officially the greatest importer of champagne. We should be since the wine is made in France, they can not be importing it.
Pardon me for being so dull in not knowing what Nigeria was hard on. We should be hard on alcohol for us not to know what is needful. By the way, champagne is just one of many alcoholic drinks being quaffed by Nigerians.
Some ignorant people are saying between 60-70% of Nigerians live on less than one U.S. dollar a day. Did they complain to anyone? Are they demanding for better governance? ‘
A beg leave matter for Matthias jo’.
How can anyone remember hunger when they are drunk. They may not even know, in their state of stupor, that they are being maltreated by the same people who had sworn to protect them.
Give me another ‘tumbra’ and I will sing:
‘A f’owo muti kii ku sode
Kerekere ma sa de’le mi’.
(A drunk will never die outside
He’ll get home gradually.)