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I just thought I should tender a public apology for my hoping for what I believe is a good government in Nigeria. I really wouldn’t know what came over me to have forgotten a golden maxim. ‘A people deserves its leadership’.
When a dancer meets a drummer even death may find it difficult to separate them. I’m so sorry to be expecting Nigerians to keep up with my jaundiced views about democracy.
What’s going on in Edo state, that will certainly repeat itself in Ondo state, has shown me that Nigeria has manufactured its own kind of democracy.
We collect so much from politicians before elections. Of course, we wouldn’t expect them to do anything for us in terms of provision of basic amenities when they manouver their ways into power.
It’s very simple, isn’t it?
We have sold our birthright for less than a plate of porridge. We have taken some insignificant things from politicians.
Why must the politicians be accountable to us? We’ve practically given them reasons not to do so.
T’enu ba je, oju a ti!
Since we’ve received, we hardly have the courage to ask them to perform.
Ours is a case of pay before you become whatever.
I’m so sorry once again!