A Season of Curses!!! – Adewale Sobowale

The current week is probably one in which we curse the most. We are right too!

As great Christians, we should!

We should start with the things we really don’t want in our lives. That’s why our churches are filled to the brim on New Year’s Eve.

It goes this way: For the chain smoker, he should curse the person who has afflicted him with the spirit of Sango.

The drunk is not left out. That very person who wants him to drink his life to hell should be cursed. I mean the person who has afflicted him with the spirit of a never-ending last bottle.

It is never-ending because the last bottle may become a dozen or more!

The gossip should curse the person that has inflicted him with the spirit of ameboism. After all, there has never been a single gain in it.

The jobless graduate may curse his dad’s other wife, who is behind his not getting employed or even underemployed. Half bread, they say, is better than none.

The businessman should bind those forces that are responsible for his business not thriving. This year was not good enough.

The worker who is not paid his emoluments is left with no choice but to curse those responsible for his being in a fix.

Even the MMMian will curse those responsible for freezing his expected windfall. After all, it’s his money and he can do whatever with it.

Punters will curse bind the spirit of na only one game spoil am! If it can be bound, a brand new millionaire will surely emerge.

The thieves and armed robbers will certainly curse the ruling class. The ruling class has made it necessary for some people to steal, according to them.

Sex workers will also come to church. They will certainly curse those who infected them with hot pants.

Pen robbers too will come. They will curse us. Due to our complacency, we have infected them with inordinate acquisition of wealth. One thing they can’t understand, though, is the fact that we are living in penury.

The only individual we don’t curse is our respective selves.


It is Christlike to curse and bind. If it wasn’t, our prophets and pastors would not be leading us in the cursing spree.

We are a people that normally leaves rabid leprosy to heal a minor ringworm. We seem to willingly forget that those we are cursing have their own eleda or chi. They are human beings like us.

By the way, we could’ve stepped on their toes one way or the other. There is a saying that a person pointing a devilish finger at another person has forgotten that the remaining four are pointing directly at him.

Moreover, my Bible tells me that all things created by God are perfect. We used to sing a song in our elementary school days: ‘I want to be like Jesus’.

Are we like him?

Happy New Year in advance!!!

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