There’s been so much noise about the take home pay of members of the National Assembly. Ordinarily, we wouldn’t have expected people to be bothering their heads about whatever we do once they have already voted for us.
In the first instance, didn’t we give them egunje before they grudgingly voted us in? The gratifications we gave them were diverse, some would say they wanted to pay the bills of their pregnant wives in the hospital, for some, it was to cater for their sick parents, others wanted to name their children, and so on.
We also settled our godfathers. In fact, we are still settling them.
We also need to take care of our war chests for the next elections.
Then of course, a person feeding a baby doesn’t wipe his hand on the floor. That is, we too must make profits.
So, if anyone has told you what we take home, so what? It’s all in a bid to help our constituents.
It is said that when one is eating he should have good table manners. And the first table manner and possibly the most important one is that one shouldn’t talk while eating. The distinguished senator with the Afro hairstyle is definitely not a good chopper. Kai, how can a person, a man that’s worth being called that, not be able to keep our secrets secret. I suspect he must have eaten the anus of a fowl.
I think we need to deal with him. He might be the first person to be arraigned for hate speech. What he has said could lead to people killing each other.
Abi, we collect a common 13.5million naira, while the minimum wage is a heavy 18 thousand naira. Thank God he did not mention other things that we collect.
We deliberately left the local market for others, you know now, so that there won’t be any complaint that we’re dominating the markets. We go abroad to shop. Our children school abroad. Our children have their weddings abroad.
We’re doing all this so that the commoners will be able to use their 18k in buying the essentials of life.
Se we no try?
Bamu bamu layo!
We’re very well fed!!