Rulers? – Adewale Sobowale

Traditional rulers used to hold all the aces in Africa, until their empires got defeated by other empires with much better means of coercion. But then, that was before the Europeans went into Africa. Indeed, the game changed with the advent of the Europeans who came with mirrors and guns. They even showed ordinary Africans…

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Poisonous Sugar! – Adewale Sobowale

Sugar is used to sweeten things. However, when taken too much, it might cause hemorrhoids. According to stories being peddled around by those who knew him, the late Temitope Olatoye, a.k.a. sugar had always had it coming. He had attempted to be the students union president of the Federal College of Education in Osiele, a…

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Morning After! – Adewale Sobowale

The Nigerian election season is fading out. So many people who had been involved in the season film would certainly be awakened to the reality of daily life. Brothers who had stopped greeting their brothers because of political differences would, hopefully, start seeing the reasons why they should not cut the ropes of kinship. Sisters…

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Olurombi – Adewale Sobowale

  A long time ago, when the eyes were still on the knees. There was a woman who was then barren. The woman’s name was Olurombi. Meanwhile, childless women had been going to the Iroko tree to plead for children. When they went, they would pledge that if the Iroko gave them children they would…

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