Strength! – Adewale Sobowale

At times like this when we see people who have turned something that could have been embarrassing into an act of strength or courage we should sound the cymbals in their praise. I wouldn’t know where a blackmailer got the Waka Queen, Salawa Abeni’s nude photographs from. The fact is that the person contacted her…

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Is It a Curse? Adewale Sobowale

Why is it that only a few Nigerian statesmen are getting it right? I just watched the API-organized ‘The Rush to Canada’ by Nigerians. The most pathetic thing was when one Dr Bassey, who represented Abike Dabiri, implied that if people in the northwest of Nigeria were not running away from the country – rather…

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Upset Streets! Igboro ti daru!! – Adewale Sobowale

Has the third world war started?I think so?From antiballistic missiles countering ballistic;Nukes threatening to erase our earth;Rat-a-tat of AK-47;Ricocheting of ak-74;Hunger widespread where there should be plenty! Man is insane!If he wasn’t;He would have seen needfor peace! War everywhere,who benefits?Of course, arm sellers are smilingto the banks;Power wielders too will havetheir craving;Unobvious to a fact…

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