May fool? – Adewale Sobowale

The news was agog yesterday about a court in the UK’s sentencing a Nigerian senator who, with his wife, was found guilty of organ harvesting. Knowing how the British love their holidays, and yesterday being Labour Day, were the courts in session? I googled it, and the answer was, “There are no court sittings.” I…

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Ori Yeye N’Mogun! – Adewale Sobowale

The ever-philosophical Yoruba have a saying, ‘Ori yeye ni mogun, t’aise lo po’. This roughly translates to, ‘so many are punished unjustly’. I congratulate Zainab Aliyu immensely on having an influential father. If her father had not been among society’s formidable wheeler dealers, she would most probably have ended up on death row in Saudi…

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Erin Ka Rele! – Adewale Sobowale

People with sense,Won’t ever touch,Next level! EvenWith ten-foot pole! Erin ka releO wa j’Oba!Erin yeye,Erin yeye! Not my people,With theirEducated povertyThey would ratherCall bull buodaTo partake Erin kareleO wa j’ObaErin yeyeErin yeye! Yeah!To partake,Even in theMost miserlyOf crumbs,Of their ownCommonwealth! Erin kareleO wa j’Oba!Erin yeyeErin yeye! Discipline is it,Leading toQuiet, even ofThe graveyard! Erin kareleO…

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