Photo credit: Vanguard
I hope I won’t be committing contempt of court by referring to various exhibits in the courts. Anyway, even if I do, I have a good advocate in my friend who is a law student at OOU. What are friends for, anyway?
Going by what are being bandied about as proceeds of corruption in raw cash and properties, I am sure there is no querying the fact that this recession must be existing only in some people’s imagination.
Excuse me. If a country is recouping trillions of dollars from corruption and we keep saying that its economy is recessed, I guess someone has not been too truthful.
Let’s borrow those monies and use them to buy implements for mechanised agriculture. It is still early in the year. In six months’ time, we should start seeing the results of our interventions.
I know some people might find some technicalities to defeat this idea but then, unusual problems need unusual solutions. If the government has been charging communication tax, I hear the government was even thinking of increasing bank charges, government is thinking of establishing a price control mechanism for commodities the government did not produce, everything is expensive in this country.
These are definitely unusual times!
Added to that is the fact that we have all been turned into beggars. Abi! What don’t we beg for in this country? Petrol, diesel, kerosene, light, water,etc. In fact, on a good day, I am approached by at least five beggars, some of them in suits, majority of them being degree holders. I’m not even convinced if begging should not be introduced as a course in our higher institutions of learning!
If we now progressively reduce the cost of governance in this country, the sky should be our starting point.
For me, I don’t believe the recession crap. Our people are ready to work, government should create the enabling environment for them!!!