Photo credit: Garuba
Oh, how I wish I could tell whoever offends me to forget it.
You see, when a person is brooding over a certain person’s misdeed to them, they end up suffering much more than the offender. In any case, the latter might not even know!
How long do we have to spend on earth? The earlier you learnt to forgive the better.
If you can dare to forget, that’s an icing on your cake.
Like I asked earlier, how long is our longevity on earth?
Check out the average death rate in Nigeria, for example.
I was speaking with someone some two days ago. They were then recounting, what I consider a dead issue. I believe I was wronged. However, each time I retreated into my cocoon and started thinking about the issue, it made me feel bitter.
Sometime ago, I did a self evaluation. And I told myself that if I should continue that way, the grim reaper wasn’t far away from me.
You know what I did, I buried myself in books.
And the social media!
In fact, during that period, I just busied myself with posts.
By the way, arguably, that period birthed my best in creativity.
What I am saying is that it is better for one to bury themselves in positive things rather than flogging a dead horse.
It doesn’t come easy. But then, we should remember how often we offend God. If we were to receive reprisals from God for every misdeed, I wonder how many people will remain on earth.
We are not perfect beings. So, we tend to offend God and each other. But then, we should be quick to forgive, and even forget.
Let’s be looking at our kids as teachers.
Yes, as teachers.
When a kid offends another, the one offended may go and report to his parents. In most cases what the average parent tells their kid is that they should boycott the offender.
It might even become a quarrel between both sets of parents.
However, while the parents are still quarrelling, the kids would have become friends again!