History is in the syllabus of Nigerian schools. I can tell you that it’s there just for the sake of history!
Hardly is it studied by pupils!
Hardly are there teachers for it!!
Hardly is it recommended as a course to study in tertiary institutions!!!
Unfortunately for us, we might never succeed in charting our way forward without knowing our past.
But then, are our so called leaders comfortable with history? Indeed, are they comfortable with the roles they’ve played in our tempestuous past?
History will no doubt tell us what roles were played by various people in the past. It will let us know whether they were on the side of the people or not.
Let our children know the actors in the independence struggle. They should know about operation wet e. Let them know what led to the civil war. They ought to know about the palace coups.
If for certain reasons, it’s still impossible, how about enriching the syllabus of civic education so that it would take in some History?