Are We Ok? – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: DW

Let me ask the question again, are Africans alright?

Two special events are taking place this week. Or, should take place this week.

They are special because they involve people’s lives. One of them consists of the life of everybody in the world.

The first is the inauguration of Mr Trump as America’s president. Although the election was controversial, things have been settled so much that it has not even affected the date of inauguration.

The second is the state of chaos in the Gambia. An election was held to the tourists’ delight.

Yaya Jammey, the incumbent who is spending his twenty-second year on the throne lost to an unknown Mr Barrow. Jammey first accepted his loss but he later reneged.

Jammey has now holed himself up in the presidential villa. He is losing supporters by the second. Even his top military officers are deserting him.

The ECOWAS, France and possibly the UN have organized a great military force against his ragtag army.

Talk of trying to kill a fly with a sledgehammer!

Residents, both Gambians and foreigners have been fleeing the country since last week. All because of the stupidity of one man.

When we consider both scenes, one thing that strikes me is the interest of the people as enshrined in the constitution.

Why is it that it is only in Africa that our rulers are not concerned about the people’s interests. Pardon my generalisation but Africa seems to be the home of despots.

I tend to think that we don’t have a history of actively struggling for democracy. Please note that fighting against colonialism is very different from struggling for internal democracy.

Why is it that the European world has moved to near perfection in terms of democracy while Africa is still lagging behind.

I tend to believe it is a case of fighting for what you believe in. It might even mean fighting with one’s life. If one doesn’t enjoy the benefits, their dependants are sure to.

A people will always deserve it’s ruling class!


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