Some Mother’s Do Have Them! Ama Wa Se Nken o!! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Channels TV

I used to believe that Nigeria was better as one country. Not even the issue of insecurity could persuade me. Neither could the lopsided nature of appointments by the Buhari regime nor the mediocrity inherently displayed by key practitioners in the political class convince me that Nigeria should split.

But I must confess to my seeing new light now. I’m now a fervent convert to confederation. I had been preaching confederation or even federation before.

But I’m now a much better fan!


The idiotic behaviour of a member of the house of representatives has succeeded in convincing me that the South and the North do not operate on the same page.

The man actually brought his harem of four wives to the house to according, to him show members he is powerful not only in politics but in the ozza room.

He succeeded in wasting precious time that could have been used for something much more useful in calling the wives to stand up and in addressing the house.

Next time, I believe he would be encouraged to bring his battalion of twenty seven children to the house.

I don’t know much about proceedings in our legislative houses, but if any mad legislator could be allowed to descend so low, then we’ve got another think coming.

Personally, I can’t imagine any Southern legislator in that shameful act.

It goes a lot in showing that rather than discussing urgent matters of state, our legislative houses go into absolute inanities!


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