We’re Sallahing! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: the Punch

Yeah, we’re enjoying the sallah.

Some people from the west were allegedly killed when they went to buy rams in the north.

Newspapers featured how frantically we became while looking for sallah rams. We practically combed the whole of the north to get good bargains.

In the same vein, we keep saying the northerners are bad. Bad in the sense that they kidnap, rob and maim the southerners.

I’m really confused!

Would it not have made economic sense to deprive those we accuse of so many crimes the sweat of our labours by simply not buying their rams?

Let’s think of the billions of naira they would have been deprived of

Would we not have been obeying a law of nature, self protection, by not venturing to the north?

I don’t seem to get our drift.

We even went to the extent of accusing them of bestiality.

By the way, I used to enjoy the sallah meat. Even though I’m not a Muslim, I do have Muslim family and friends.

But it beats me hollow how we can be accusing people and still be patronizing them.

May I say happy sallahing?


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