Wasn’t really asleep
woke up minutes ago
with shut eyes
enjoying luxury of rest
sensing something wasn’t right
quiet and solemnity enveloping me
I opened my eyes!
Seeing nothing
feeling blinded
or April fool’s day
on February one!
Power outage?
To the balcony I went
only my square of apartments
was blind!
In again,
a ray of light
in the hallway
went towards it
like a visually challenged!
Opening door,
to see concerned neighbors,
most of whom
I was seeing for the first time!
Trying to figure out happening,
I approached elevator
just in case
discovering it worked!
Went back to neighbors
someone trying to call police,
another trying firemen,
yet another, property owners!
The announcement,
it was a major fault,
the husky voice said
even, they didn’t know
when it would be rectified!
Within forty five minutes
lights were on!
Looking back,
I couldn’t contain my laughter!
There’s certainly something,
Nigeria can teach
That’s not supplying light!
But seriously,
I reasoned,
No system is perfect,
Reaction of citizens
how the system works!
NEPA used to be the Nigerian electric supply monopoly.