We are so pis-ed off with the national assembly that we want to run them out of town.
Particularly the members of the senate!
Yes, we are right. In the first instance, we did not vote them in. OK, we did not know this is how they will behave. They have played a fast one on us.
Did they not give us gratifications either directly or indirectly? That means they have bought our respective consciences. We have sold our birthright and we have no moral right to complain. In any case, is there no constitutional provision for recalling errant representatives?
And, by the way, why just the national assembly? So, the two other arms of government are performing.
That apart, are we sure we can, in all honesty, cast the first stone? Apart from their being our true representatives, how have we been performing, individually and corporately, in our various places of work and abode?
Are the political scientists who say, a people will always deserve their ruling class wrong?
I think we should first have a revolution in our minds. Let us all decide that we are going to be clean, in all ramifications. Especially, concerning matters of state.
We need a rebirth!
In the first instance, the whole political system in Nigeria should be restructured. We should stop paying lip service to federalism while the system we are practising is unitary.
Every state should control its natural resources. I am not saying region. Since we have moved on from regions to thirty six states, so be it. I am reliably informed that every state in Nigeria can be economically viable.
So, let the the sleeping giants wake up!
We should also look for those that will represent us amongst us. I have always believed that the gold is in the local people. People who understand where we are coming from, where we are and where we are going to.
And it’s so easy!
We just need to watch out for quality leaders within the families. From there, they go to the street level, the local government level, the state level and ultimately, the federal level, respectively. These people do not have to buy votes and voters because we can vouch for them.
Every state must bear part of the emoluments of its lawmakers at the federal level. It will now be left for each state to put its brightest or dullest people in Abuja.
On our own part, we just have to decide not to take gratifications from our representatives. And, we should stop being complacent.
Our mumu don do!!!
I believe if we could do something about the zoning policy/federal character system, we will certainly be doing ourselves a world of good. I always admire Lagos State.
Truly, Lagos has many ways of generating revenue. However, if the revenue generated is not wisely expended it will amount to nothing. The fact is that Lagos state has been able to tap manpower from every nook and cranny of this great nation. They are not regretting it.
Let’s put round pegs in round holes!