Shooting From The Hips! – Adewale Sobowale

Photo credit: Medium

I had wanted to post something about what I normally call my scribblings. I kept postponing it. However, today seems a good day for me to type a bit about them.

In as much as I love people, I could even say I’m a populist, I tend not to suffer fools gladly.

Those who read my posts may testify that I shoot from both hips. In other words, I say things as they are.

This has cost me many social media friends. But then, I’m not missing them. Rather, it could be said to be good riddance to despicable rubbish.

I don’t write for prosperity, I would rather write for posterity!

By the way, my position is that we must have a well run society. Anything other than that is not welcome by me.

I’ve really used the SM to shout my views to others and, even, to practice what I eventually publish as books.

I’ve seen through the SM, that I could be the only one who has seen some point in what I’ve written, who says that’s bad?

However, the most painful thing I’ve noticed in the SM is the so called educated glitterati who take sides, even when it doesn’t pay them in the final analysis!


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