Photo credit: People’s Gazette
Nigeria’s politics is always interesting! Oh yes, I’m using the word, ‘interesting’ as an understatement. Some other commentators would have said, ridiculous!
What could have informed a supposedly educated person to say that party discipline was superior to a nation’s interest.
In more serious climes, once the winners of the general elections are known, the party withdraws.
It withdraws until the next elections are around the corner. The stage is left for the winners of the elections.
This is because the winners have stopped being representatives of their party but that of the electorate.
The people, not their respective parties, become their employer.
However, in our dear country, the fact that everybody wants to be important makes this a lie. This might also be due to the fact that in most cases, the political godfathers, and not the people handpick candidates.
Of course, when godfathers pick candidates, they will be on the candidates’ necks to harvest their investments.
It is only when the people’s votes start to count that we will begin modern politics!