These are rather interesting times in the space called Nigeria!
We had a presidential election which has further shown the divisive tendencies in the nation. As far as I am concerned, it was not an election.
But then, as a Democrat, I should follow what the law says. That is resorting to the judiciary for adjudication.
Since the matter has been taken to court, the major players ought to have stopped discussion on the matter as it will be tantamount to subjudice. Actually, the term affects even the general public but as things are, we can not prevent anyone from discussing a matter of current interest.
However, if the people concerned had refrained from any public comments, the statement by Datti on television wouldn’t have been made. I know he’s pained, but the opportunity to seek redress in the courts, which they are doing, should have assuaged some of his concerns.
The fact that Professor Wole Soyinka in an interview on the telly castigated Datti for his utterances should have sounded a note of warning to the discerning.
Kongi is a man who weighs words before uttering them. As a person, he has paid his price in the field of human rights campaigns. From the hold-up of the radio station at Ibadan, to his meeting with Ojukwu and his subsequent 30-month imprisonment – some in solitary confinement, to the June 12 struggles and many others.
He has identified with humanity, the Igbo inclusive!
Calling the man an illiterate is a “capital offence!’
The Yoruba defenders have not done any better anyways. Some “retaliated” by questioning the scholarly nature of Achebe’s “Things fall apart.” By the way, the book has been translated into more languages than I can count at my fingertips.
Someone even tried to drag Chienamanda into the foray.
How I wish this madness could stop!
For me, when it’s May 29, whoever gets into Aso Rock will have my congratulations, not as a person but for emerging as my country’s President.
On Peter Obi I stand!