Just a preamble about the topic. For those who lived in Lagos, Nigeria in the sixties and early seventies, there used to be a bakery on Ojuelegba Road almost close to Yaba called “De facto Bakery.”
There, they baked arguably the most delicious bread and cakes, at that time, in Lagos.
I wouldn’t know how the proprietors arrived at the name, “De facto.”
Those were the good old days in Nigeria!
We’re innocently waiting for the savior that will bring us back to those days. “Innocently” because what we’re looking for in Sokoto is right under our sokoto.
The savior is you and I!
A video clip is currently trending on Facebook. It’s about a child being named. The woman naming the child prophesises that the child will be among those using “biro” to steal Nigeria’s money.
Not a few dust has been raised concerning the woman’s prophecy.
But then, we should praise the woman for daring to reveal the truth about most Nigerians.
Are we not patiently waiting like an eagle for our turn to jeun soke?
Are those few that were unlucky to be caught with tills of public money in their homes from Mars?
Isn’t it a fact that the more we move away from 1960, the more our public amenities go to the drain?
Isn’t it true that we’ve shown the world more than enough evidence that we can’t rule ourselves?
As long as we continue to sell our birthright for a morsel of porridge, our society will continue to be shambolic.
And, as long as we refuse to see the worth of honesty in everything we do, charlatans like the so-called prophet in the video will be our lot!