A beta pass my neighbour! – Adewale Sobowale

Two luxury cars of politicians. Photo credit: carmart.ng

While the poor are still waiting till kingdom come, there’s no doubting the fact that Nigerian politicians are enjoying the lives of their “heads.”

While the government is finding it difficult to pay the masses some stipend, the senators are smiling “prayerfully” to their banks.

I guess they’ll give some money to their impoverished constituents. In saner climes, I wouldn’t think the senators would have collected anything when the vulnerable masses are yet to collect.

In nearby Libya, Ghadaffi was reputed to have refused his own parents’ accommodation until the citizens Muda were accommodated.

In Nigeria, we would say there is an absence of data for the masses. I wonder what the NIN, voter’s registration, census result and others are there for.

At least, once the ruling class collect what they had “worked” for, it will go down.

Indeed, I better pass my neighbour!


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