Photo credit: Shabby art boutique
We had prepared for this wedding in spite of the fact that we were only informed by rumors. But the guy supposedly taking in a brand new wife is someone I don’t really like.
But then, whether you like someone or not, anytime they are making history, one must identify with them.
So, I had gone to the Rock late Friday evening, expecting there would be some bachelor’s eve, though the guy was married. At least, for the new bride, she knew he was and still consented.
I had not eaten expecting to grab some chops and drinks at the villa while the party lasted. I was to be surprised when the place was as dry as a desert.
I consoled myself with some maybes. Maybe our guy didn’t want to bother the first wife. Maybe because they were Muslims, they didn’t want to engage in open air parties. Maybe because the wedding was supposed to be a quiet one, they never thought of having a bachelor’s eve.
But then, I was hungry. I managed to find a mama put where I had a late night meal. I later went to a bar to have my favorite lager.
Of course, I had to sleep in a hotel. But when sleep was not forthcoming, I had to resort to playing scrabble on my phone. I had not fully hit the bed when I heard a muezzin calling the the faithful out for prayers.
I knew I had to get up. I started working the phones to spring a surprise on the couple that were supposedly wedding.
As my own contribution, I decided to use an aroko. That’s a Yoruba way of daring someone.
I ordered for various aphrodisiacs, both traditional and foreign, to wish them well.
In my kitty was ale, opa ehin, kayan mata, adodun, epimedium, gingko biloba, ginseng, fenugreek and others. I was all out to increase the libidinous prowess of each of them.
But I was surprised when I got to the Rock. The bride was said to be abroad on national duty.
The guy was also doing his normal duties.
I was stupefied even beyond reasons, All those things I bought were on credit. I was hoping that after presenting them, the couple would have found it necessary to compensate me for the good gesture.
But the wedding didn’t hold…